Letter to My Abel

Dear Abel...
First thing Mama wanna say is...I love you. You are the beauty of my life. That's why your name is Naura Abelia because your presence is like flower in our life. Simply beautiful and pretty.

If one day you have a chance to read this, you should know that you are loved. If the world may against you, never worry cause Mama will stand by your side, support you always.

Abel sayang...
Hidup gak selamanya berjalan lancar. Pasti ada waktunya up and down, tinggal kita milih mau jatuh dan terpuruk atau bangkit dan memperbaiki keadaan. Yang pasti nak..selama Abel selalu ingat Allah, yakinlah semua akan baik2 saja. Itu pesan mama yang pertama. Ingat Allah dan agama.

Abel juga harus jadi orang pintar ya,nak.
Gali ilmu sebanyak2nya dan dimana saja. There is no limit to find out the knowledge. Meet new people, be nice and humble, feel hunger to new information. Supaya Abel gak cuma bisa menghidupi diri sendiri dan keluarga, tapi juga berguna buat banyak orang.

Karena sebaik2nya manusia adalah manusia yang bermanfaat bagi orang lain.

My dear...
Mama and papa will always love you, no matter what.
I wish that you will never forget us.
Mama gak minta imbalan atas apapun,nak...cukup doakan kami dan tumbuhlah jadi anak yang baik. Itu udah jadi kebahagiaan buat mama dan papa. Wherever you may go someday..please always remember who you are, where do you come from. If you ever feel tired, just come back to me and Mama promises you that everything will be just fine.

Cause I am here, live to love you.

With love,
Mama Abel


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