Until our time is up

Beberapa hari ini aku sibuk kepo-in berita tentang BCL dan alm.suaminya.

Don't know them personally,but I do feel sorry for her. For their kid too.

Imagining losing the one you really love, without warning or soever.

Just like press the button.
Our time is up.

Allah take you whether you are ready or not.

I don't know what to do if Allah take my hubby first.

Setiap ada apa2, aku selalu ceritanya ke Bg Andri. Mengeluh, lebih tepatnya. Bg Andri orangnya keras. Kata2nya selalu ga neko2.
But I know he loves me.
He always do.

Our kids need their daddy.
And I obviously need my hubby.

Tapi kita ga tau seberapa lama waktu kita diberi sama Allah.
Jalani dengan sebaik2nya kesempatan hidup di dunia ini.

That's why I hate long distance thing.

Waktu aku sama Bg Andri jauh banget berkurang. Ga bisa sama2 setiap hari. Kadang aku tidur dianya telpon.
Kadang aku pengen banget cerita, dianya sibuk.
Ga bisa dipeluk langsung.
Ga ada yang meluk balik.

Sabar aja dulu.

Semoga ga ada yang sia2 kalau kita niatnya karna Allah Ta'ala.

Take care of my hubby,please.
I just need more time with him.

I will never be ready.
But at least..give us more time, until our kids can stand by their own feet.

For now..
I wish that You grant every pray I say.


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