Hellow our first year!

Happy 1st wedding anniversarry, dear hubby ♡
What a year could bring to us?

How fast time flies.
Rasanya baru kemarin deg2kan nunggu wedding day, eeh..sekarang udah setahun aja. Udah bertiga pula. Abel is the greatest gift from God to our marriage. Bersyukur sebanyak2nya atas kebahagiaan yg Allah kasih ke aku.

Setahun menikah dengan imam yg luar biasa.
Through the best day or the worst day that we could have had, I found happiness. Just to be with him. Berantem2 kecil, mostly sih aku yg mulai, tapi ya ujung2nya baikan lagi. Trying to build our little family together. Figuring out what our future will be. Pokoknya ini lagi masa2 membangun bersamalah. Aku kadang masih suka labil, masih kayak anak2. Lupa kalau udah jadi mamak2. Hahaha. Untungnya dia ngerti, gak nge-judge macam2.

Thank you for caring and loving, accepting me the way I am.
You are perfect in your imperfection.

I do wish and pray that we will grow old together.
No matter how hard it is, we will always find a way back.
Remembering how beautiful our life when we stick together.
Trying to overcome all problems that may crash us.
Looking forward to another years with you only.

Ask about gift no more, cause you already the best present for me.
And Abel completed it.

What more can I say?
Thank You, God. Thank You.


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