
Showing posts from February, 2022

Just maybe~~

Maybe one day I will travel the world.. Doing something wild yet fun, out of my comfort zone.. Maybe one day~~ Maybe one day I will do the job I really like.. Job that makes me feel happy to wake up in the morning, job that makes me feel content.. Maybe one day~~ Maybe one day the kids will leave me for good.. And it is just me and you against the world all over again.. Maybe one day~~ Maybe one day.. Days are better and brighter than today.. Problems are easy to swipe away.. I am not so grumpy all the time.. Maybe one day.. I finally feel enough..

Losing a child

What if someday my babies left me. I can not imagine how painful it would be. And I don't want to go through that. But life.. It is not ours. Allah will take us one by one, when our time is up. I will never be ready. You may call me a bad mother or anything, but still.. I am a mother. Abel and Adya are my babies forever and I don't know how to live without them. But, If I can beg to God, I do wish that they never have to grow up without parents. I hope that I still have much time with them. The pain of losing them is unbearable, but imagining they grow up without me is so much worse. We don't own the time. Live your life while it last. NB: Post ini ditulis karena teman sejawatku baru kehilangan anaknya karena kanker. Semoga yang kehilangan dikuatkan dan diberikan kelapangan hati seluas2nya.